Latest News in The Moscow Times

The Moscow Times offers everything you need to know about Russia: Breaking news, top stories, business, analysis, opinion, multimedia, upcoming cultural events, and more. The Moscow Times is Russia's leading, independent English-language publication

The Moscow Times is an independent English-language and Russian-language online newspaper. ... It was in print in Russia from 1992 until 2017 and was distributed The Moscow Times is an independent English-language and Russian-language online newspaper

Dam Collapses in Russia's Chelyabinsk Region, Forcing Hundreds to Flee

A dam at the Kialimskoye reservoir was unable to hold back rising waters and broke, unleashing a flood toward nearby villages.

Read More 27 July 2024 | 12:40 am

Man Sets Himself Ablaze on Red Square – Reports

Unconfirmed media reports claimed the man heads a research institute that supplies communication systems to the Russian military.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 9:03 pm

Fashion Police: Russia Cracks Down on Pop Stars’ Revealing Costumes

Performers are coming under fire for performing in leotards and bodysuits seen as clashing with the state's vision of "traditional values."

Read More 26 July 2024 | 8:55 pm

Determined to Stay: The Lives of Ukrainian Civilians on the Kharkiv Front

Despite the risk of Russian forces returning, fleeing is no longer an option for many villagers.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 8:12 pm

Who Are the Russian Athletes Competing in the Paris Olympics?

A report has raised concerns that some Russians allowed to compete in Paris have pro-war sympathies and connections with security services.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 8:12 pm

Volcanic Ash Creates ‘Alien’ Landscape at Nature Preserve in Kamchatka

Bezymyanny volcano erupted on Wednesday, with ash spewing up to 12 kilometers into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 8:02 pm

Anti-War Store Owner Released From St. Petersburg Prison

Videos showed Dmitry Skurikhin being greeted by his wife and family outside of a penal colony, where he had been held since August 2023.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 7:03 pm

EU Transfers $1.6 Billion Raised From Russian Assets for Ukraine

EU member states agreed to use the profits from frozen Russian Central Bank assets to help arm Ukraine and fund its reconstruction.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 6:32 pm

Kremlin Says Not Informed of Russian’s Arrest Over Suspected Olympics Plot

French prosecutors said the man was suspected of "passing intelligence to a foreign power in order to arouse hostilities in France."

Read More 26 July 2024 | 6:14 pm

Former Russian Deputy Defense Minister Arrested on Corruption Charges

Dmitry Bulgakov oversaw army logistics before being replaced in September 2022, marking the first military reshuffle since the start of the war.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 5:28 pm

Russia’s Central Bank Raises Rates to 18% Amid Inflation Woes

The increase comes as the country struggles to get a hold on inflation and as widespread labor shortages drive up wages.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 4:49 pm

Moscow Labels Dozens of Indigenous Groups, Free Russia Foundation as ‘Extremist’

Authorities said the seemingly unrelated organizations are “structural divisions” of the vaguely defined “Anti-Russian Separatist Movement.”

Read More 26 July 2024 | 4:29 pm

Composer Philip Glass Accuses Theatre in Annexed Crimea of 'Piracy'

The Sevastopol Opera and Ballet Theatre's website says an upcoming performance will feature music by the composer.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 3:58 pm

Russian Defense Minister Inspects Troops’ Combat Readiness

Andrei Belousov was shown the training of tank crews and drone operators, as well as artillery firing and shooting drills.

Read More 26 July 2024 | 3:22 pm

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More Information Latest News in The Moscow Times

The Moscow Times offers everything you need to know about Russia: Breaking news, top stories, business, analysis, opinion, multimedia, upcoming cultural events, and more. The Moscow Times is Russia's leading, independent English-language publication

Who owns the Moscow Times?

he Moscow Times currently belongs to a limited liability company which is 51% owned by Russian businessman Vladimir Jao, the CEO of an airline catering company, 30% by Svetlana Korshunova (Russian: Светлана Коршунова), general director of the paper, and 19% by Derk Sauer, the original founder of the paper

What is Russia biggest newspaper?

Argumenty i Fakty

According to figures from the National Circulation Service agency, the most popular newspaper is Argumenty i Fakty which has a circulation of 2.9 million.

Can Russian citizens leave Russia?

A Russian citizen can be subject to temporary restrictions on leaving Russia. These restrictions can be only temporary. “Lifetime restrictions” (which existed under the Soviet Union) are currently not allowed